Been a long time
This is a pic out the right side. As you can see, there is still snow covering everything.
"above terra firma"
This is a pic out the right side. As you can see, there is still snow covering everything.
In other news...It's crappy outside! No, let's revise that: It Damn Shitty outside!! We've been in blizzard conditions all day, and the wind is still blowing. It's pretty flat here in central Indiana, and I live out in the country...which means blowing snow, and drifting snow. I had to wade through snow drifts up to my crotch while taking care of the horses today, and the snow stinging my face was unbearable. My boot tracks were filled in within a matter of minutes while I toted hay out to the beasts. By the time I got back inside I couldn't feel my pinky finger(of course that could be a byproduct of smashing it majorly while loading firewood last Sunday). Gotta love Indiana weather.
I would post a picture of the 4 foot snow drift behind my truck, but I'm not going outside again unless I have to. I have no idea if I'm going to go to the jobsite tomorrow. I cancelled today because of the weather. I couldn't see the stopsign on my road most of the day, it's less than 1/4 mile away. And the other great thing about living in the country? In my county, I'm in what the county highway department calls a "red zone"...which means they don't plow the roads until dead last, which means when this snow and wind stops...probably on Thursday.
Enough bitching, warm weather will be here soon.