Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday Musings

Why is it that after you have had a cell phone for a year, the battery goes Tango Uniform? My razr battery won't last more than 15 minutes while talking. Guess it's time to shop ebay.

Why do pancakes taste so much better after seeing a naked hottie holding a bottle of syrup?
('s not really syrup)

Why does it get colder than piss when I run out of firewood? It's about 17 degrees outside with a windchill of 2 degrees.(that's Fahrenheit folks, which translates to DAYUM IT'S COLD!)

Why do people think I'm an unending source of knowledgeable information? To my lazy-ass brother: go lookup the info yourself!

Why do I always encounter dumbasses whenever I go grocery shopping? (I don't give a shit if you're waiting for a parking space close to the door you lazy obese mf'r, get your piece of shit p.t. cruiser out of my way!) (and it's called a list, that's why it doesn't take me 30 minutes standing there with a dipshit look on my face to decide what kind of salad dressing I want)

O.K. I think that's enough musing(bitching) for today.
Now go take on the day!


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